This 209-page, full-color, hard cover book chronicles the shorebird hunting heritage and shorebird decoys of the Outer Banks and Back Bay area and shares images from the finest collections. The book is written primarily for serious decoy collectors, but anyone with an interest in folk art will find beauty and fascinating history within its pages. It is Kroghie Andresen's fourth book on the topic of waterfowl and shorebird decoys and decoy collecting. He was joined by Philip Harvey, an avid fisherman and collector, in writing this book and compiling its detailed history.

“Preserving the heritage of the North Carolina Outer Banks and Back Bay area is a large part of our motivation. These decoy carvers quietly elevated life as a waterman and hunter to a folk art form that endures through the drastic changes we’ve seen in the Outer Banks and its wildlife over the years.”

— Kroghie Andresen

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